I didn’t have the strength, or time… Every time I returned from training I searched for the strength to unpack my hockey equipment. All I could think about was that the hockey equipment needed to be be properly hung to dry and that I had to find space to put this large amount of smelly equipment.
The strategic thinking after every training where to place my equipment always was a hassle and the equipment still wasn’t properly dried. I had to think of something to simplify this whole process after coming home from training. I’ve sketched up the first idea and welded together the first DryRack with my friends, which I personally have been using for the past 4 years, was finally here.

Peter Suchopa
My name is Peter and I grew up in an ordinary village. In those times we all played outdoors in the streets, on playgrounds, or even on the ice. Among our most popular games belonged hockey, which was always played on the local creek. Always at the beginning of the winter months, we waited patiently for the first frost, which in turn allowed us to start our hockey season. However, this game I never gave up in adulthood, and so it was no longer just a game, but also a sport. I grew up on a hockey pond and my dream, playing hockey at a Winter stadium, has been fulfilled.
Today I am 48 years old and I have been actively dedicated to hockey three times per week. I am fortunate to be surrounded by equally enthusiastic hockey players, which aren’t just motivated to play but also show a big heart. We are amateurs, but with a professional approach and a passion for hockey.
P. Suchopa
Clementisove Sady 1410/22
924 01 Galanta